Thursday January 7th, 2016 Terry Riegel
Comma bug with system() tag
Here is some code to test/demonstrate the bug
Updated with a better solution
I have included a page that will demonstrate the bug, and also offer a workaround. The workaround is system specific, it assumes Linux as the underlying platform and also assumes the system folder is set and set to /.
The idea of the workaround it to postprep() the command, send it, unpostprep it, and finally execute it. See: this page for the unpostprep part of the solution.
The Workaround
function system_with_commas(cmd) do
return system(^bin/echo ^+postprep(cmd)+^ | sed "s@+@ @g;s@%@\\\\x@g" | xargs -0 printf "%b" | /bin/bash^) /return
Demonstrate the Problem
function system_with_commas(cmd) do
return system(^bin/echo ^+postprep(cmd)+^ | sed "s@+@ @g;s@%@\\\\x@g" | xargs -0 printf "%b" | /bin/bash^) /return
<title>Comma Bug</title>
<h1>System tag Comma Bug</h1>
<p>When submitting a command using the system tag it seems to be eating commas from the input. On this installation the system folder is /.
<pre><<system('bin/echo -n "Hello,1,2,3,4, World"')>></pre>
<pre><<system('bin/echo -n "Hello,1,2,3,4, World"')>></pre>
<p>Typing the same command from the command line yields the following...
<pre>Hello,1,2,3,4, World</pre>
<h2>Is the bug fixed?</h2>
NATIVE:<br><<system('bin/echo -n "Hello,1,2,3,4, World"')>>
SYSCALL.SH:<br><<system(^usr/bin/ ^+postprep('/bin/echo -n "Hello,1,2,3,4, World"'))>>
WITH_COMMAS:<br><<system_with_commas('/bin/echo -n "Hello,1,2,3,4, World"')>>
To fix change any system calls to this...
Be sure to include the function at the top of the example in your code somewhere.
BEFORE: temp=system(command)
AFTER: temp=system_with_commas(command))
This alternate solution is not recommended. It is here for historical reasons.
Alternate Solution
Older Solution Requiring SSH access to the underlying server
Here is a shell script that can be used to get around the bug
urldecode() {
# urldecode <string>
local url_encoded="${1//+/ }"
printf '%b' "${url_encoded//%/\x}"
cmd=$(urldecode $1)
eval $cmd
Be sure to save it to /usr/bin/ and chmod 755 /usr/bin/
To fix change any system calls to this...
BEFORE: temp=system(command)
AFTER: temp=system(^usr/bin/ ^+postprep('/'+command))
Also I have reported the bug over here...