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Clear Image Library

This is a library that is being actively developed and maintained by Terry Riegel. You can get it and install it onto your own system with the following link.

Download DLL.bb

This page is open to the public. Feel free to add notes and suggestions to the code.

Clear Image Function Libraries source

To use in your own code expand the dynamically loading library.

expand file="/system/clearimage/DLL.lib" /expand

Include Private Functions

api libraryapps libraryclearjs librarycolors librarycron librarydb librarydeprecated libraryemail libraryemail_rules libraryencode_decode libraryfileinfo librarygetimage librarygetlink librarygetmail libraryhttp libraryidentify libraryimagemap libraryimage_core libraryimage_generator libraryindirection librarylogtools librarymp3info librarypagebuilder librarypagebuilder.pspagebuilder_gonzo.pspasswords_keys libraryroute librarysecurity libraryshard librarytest.htmltime libraryunittest libraryupload libraryurl_versioning libraryutf libraryutility libraryversion library